2012年からはじまる「KAMIKOANIプロジェクト秋田」を含め、今年で9回目の開催になります。コブ 杉や村の施設、小屋など 5会場でアート作品の展示やワ ークショップ、伝統芸能、そして音楽イベントが開催されます。 2019年から4年ぶりの本格的開催です。どうぞ四季の表情の豊かな上小阿仁村へお越しください。
<About Kamikoani Project>
Kamikoani Project is an art festival held every year in Kamikoani Village which is located in the northern part of Akita Prefecture. The project aims to promote the rich natural environment, unique culture and preserved traditions of the village through art, music, performances, etc.
Including the "KAMIKOANI Project Akita" which started in 2012, this year will be the 9th time. Art exhibitions, workshops, traditional performing arts, and music events will be held at five venues, including magnolia cedars, village facilities, and huts. This is the first full-scale event in four years since 2019. Please come to Kamikoani Village, where you can enjoy the rich expressions of the four seasons.
<Concept: Project Aims>
Kamikoani Village has the oldest population in Akita, which also has the fastest-shrinking population of any prefecture in Japan. This project aims to address pressing social issues such as the declining birthrate, an aging society and rapid depopulation by increasing the number of visitors of all ages.
The village is neither well known nor easily accessible, leaving it relatively isolated. However, “KAMIKOANI Project Akita”, which was held annually for 4 years (2012-2015), helped increase the number of visitors, especially from younger generations. Many of them appreciated the beauty of the artworks and the messages these works conveyed, and they valued their experiences in the village.
In 2016, the villagers took the initiative to establish the “KAMI PRO-RESTA” committee, which continues the Kamikoani Project. The committee encourages the village residents to engage actively in the revitalization of their community. The project also provides a platform for people of different backgrounds to participate and interact with one another.
* “KAMI PRO-RESTA” is the name used to denote the restart or start of a new series of art projects that had originally begun with “KAMIKOANI Project Akita” in 2012-2015.
■開催日程 <It run Aug 27th to Oct 29th, 2023 And open 9:00am to 5:00pm.>
■開催地 <Exhibition Area: Yagisawa, Okitaomote, Kosawada>
協力:ココラボラトリー / hanauta / 上小阿仁村婦人会 / 上小阿仁村商工会女性部 / 上小阿仁村食生活改善推進協議会